Practicing a humorous speech

What is the best structure for a speech?
When I drive in England I do 70mph on the motorway.
When I drive in France I do 130 kilometres per hour on the motorway.
There’s not a lot of difference in my actual speed, but one sounds a lot more impressive!
This is an example of something we can all do in our speeches to improve its impact.
“We entered the dark, daunting, cylindrical cage of the eurotunnel”
adds something more to a speech about your most recent holiday than:
“and then the train went into the channel tunnel”.
Or perhaps:
“The Brie was an explosion of full, fruity flavours in my mouth that set off a multitude of sensory fireworks and brought a huge smile to my face!” (a little over the top, but you get the idea!)
rather than:
“I love Brie and really enjoyed the Brie sandwich”.
Your audience want to be enthused by your story, so tell it well, tell it as it is, but tell it in the best possible terms – those that sound the most impressive!