How to use AI for public speaking

Tips for positive body language when presenting

The full series of articles on my work with public speaking AI
- An introduction - why am I so interested in using AI for public speaking?
- My goals and process when experimenting with public speaking AI
- Experiment 1 - Using AI to write a speech or presentation
- COMING SOON Experiment 2 - Using AI to improve my speech and presentation delivery
- COMING SOON Experiment 3 - Using AI to create a virtual presenter (and more!)
- COMING SOON My thoughts and musings on the future of AI in public speaking
This is the second in a series of articles outlining my experiments with using AI for public speaking.
I explore how we can use AI tools to create and deliver more effective presentations.
This second article explores the goals that I set for these experiments and explains the process that I undertook.
I use the term ‘experiments’ lightly. Whilst I wanted to ensure that my testing of the various AI tools generated useful insights, I cannot claim that these findings are either statistically significant or based in any deeper scientific rigour than the GCSE in Science that I gained at the age of 16.
But, I will be clear throughout about how and why I undertook each stage of this research, and will highlight any limitations along the way.
My goals when experimenting with using AI for public speaking
So what did I want to achieve with this initial set of ‘experiments’? My initial goals were to:
- Discover whether an AI-based product could generate more effective speech content than a human, based on a short description of the speech goal and theme.
- Discover whether an AI-based product could give more effective feedback on my speech delivery than a human, thus improving my effectiveness as a speaker.
- Discover whether an AI-based product could give more effective feedback on my speech content than a human, thus improving my effectiveness as a speaker.
- Discover how much consistency there is in the feedback given on my delivery by differing AI-based products. Are all AI public speaking products created equally?
- Discover whether AI could deliver the speech more effectively than a real human, with both a human audience and an AI audience as the judges.
"I have used a panel of 7 individuals to review and rate each speech or speaker on a range of criteria."
How do we judge the quality of a speech and speaker?
Public speaking is in many ways an art, and art is often subjective. What one audience loves, another will hate and vice versa. What comes across as an award-winning presentation on one day, in one room, may absolutely bomb in another room on another day.
With this in mind, it is difficult to produce a clear measure of a successful or ‘the best’ speech or speaker. For the purposes of this research I have used a panel of 7 (yes, I too wish it had been a round number) individuals to review and rate each speech or speaker on a range of criteria.
For each stage of the research, I have given each panel member an overview of what the speech / speaker is attempting to achieve. The criteria that they are asked to rate the speech or speaker on vary between each stage, depending on the question that we are seeking to answer within the research.
The 7 individuals have a range of public speaking experience, from nervous novices to confident semi-professional speakers.
I appreciate that a larger panel size would make for more accurate findings, but have kept to a group of 7 people for now, based on time and reach limitations.
For question 5 (above), the AI will essentially by judging itself. I look forward to discovering how high an opinion it has of itself (and yes, I appreciate that current AI cannot have opinions.etc!).
The AI public speaking ‘experiments’ that I will be running
What will I actually be doing to discover the answers to these key questions?
I have plotted out the key activities (I’m feeling quite conscious of using the word ‘experiment’ now!) to answer the questions set out in the previous sections.
AI Speech Creation
Use ChatGPT to generate a speech based on a short description of the goal and theme and ask the panel to review its effectiveness against the brief. (This speech will be known as Speech 1)
Use Verble to generate a speech based on a short description of the goal and theme and ask the panel to review its effectiveness against the brief. (To be known as Speech 2)
Write my own version of a speech based on the same short description of the goal and theme and ask the panel to review its effectiveness against the brief. (Speech 3)
AI Coaching on Speech Delivery
Use OPAI to analyse me delivering Speeches 1, 2 and 3, and provide feedback on how to improve my performance.
Use Yoodli to analyse me delivering Speeches 1, 2 and 3, and provide feedback on how to improve my performance.
Use the panel to analyse me delivering Speeches 1, 2 and 3, and provide feedback on how to improve my performance.
Speech Delivery by an AI Avatar
Use Veed.IO to create a video of an Avatar delivering Speeches 1, 2 and 3 and then use OPAI to provide feedback on how to improve its performance.
Use Veed.IO to create a video of an Avatar delivering Speeches 1, 2 and 3 and then use Yoodli to provide feedback on how to improve its performance.
Use Veed.IO to create a video of an Avatar delivering Speeches 1, 2 and 3 and then use the panel to provide feedback on how to improve its performance.
Jump to the next article
Read the next article: Experiment 1 - Using AI to write a speech or presentation
or visit other sections including:
- An introduction to my public speaking AI research
- Experiment 1 - Using AI to write a speech or presentation
- COMING SOON Experiment 2 - Using AI to improve my speech and presentation delivery
- COMING SOON Experiment 3 - Using AI to create a virtual presenter (and more!)
- COMING SOON My thoughts and musings on the future of AI in public speaking

Rich Watts
Public Speaking Geek