Supporting your most valuable presentations

Rich Watts, a 2x national public speaking champion and past winner of the UK Business Speaker of the Year competition, offers a unique solution to support the success of your most valuable pitches and presentations; dedicated pitch consultancy

There are 000s of tiny factors (as well as some very large ones), that can impact the success or failure of your next big pitch. Rich works with organisations across the UK managing the pitch project from the moment the brief arrives, to the point of delivery.


Contact us today, to begin crafting your speaking solution.

In short, what does pitch consultancy focus on?

Discover more about your pitch consultant

Rich Watts is a public speaking consultant and trainer, a past winner of the UK Business Speaker of the Year, a JCI UK Public Speaking Champion and most importantly, loves helping others to develop into outstanding public speakers.

As well as his experience as a speaker, Rich’s background as a Communications and Marketing Director enables him to work within organisations to form pitch project teams and lead them to perform highly in pitching situations.

What does pitch consultancy include?

Each pitch and business is completely unique, but broadly when it comes to pitch consultancy, you can expect Rich’s support and leadership on:


...the brief and agreeing both the client and our own goals for the pitch.

Creating... overall pitch project plan, designed to ensure that all areas of your response to the brief is as high quality as possible.


... key messages, themes and content that will support achieving our client goals.


... stakeholders across your organisation to provide content and input into the pitch.


...outstanding presentation slide content and supporting documentation.


...your pitch performance and agreeing areas for development in future.


... and delivering all aspects of you performance on the day - logistics, backups, client engagement before and after the meeting.


... all of your presenters to deliver your message expertly.

Every pitch consultancy project is unique and so the best next step is always a conversation about your specific challenges and goals.


    Contact us today