Impromptu speaking tactics (Part 1)

Impromptu speaking tactics (Part 2)
I recently attended a wedding – a great day full of fun, laughter and speeches.
The father of the bride after making his speech proceeded to come to me directly and ask ‘How was that, was it ok?’.
There was so much I could have said. I could have advised on his speech structure, his voice, speed of delivery, stance, content and so much more.
But on such a joyous day, there was only one piece of feedback I needed to give him. I reassured him that he had hit the one point that can make or break a speech. A speech can be lacking in any area, but the one thing that a good speech never lacks is the personality of the speaker.
This isn’t just a personality. This is THE personality of the speaker. Without this in the speech, your audience will realise you don’t believe in what you are saying, you are not comfortable with what you are saying and most importantly, that you are not delivering this speech in a way that is natural to you.
Before advising any one on public speaking I like to learn a little bit about them. Only then can I truly understand if the key foundation of their speech, the speakers’ personality, is present.
So next time you speak, ask yourself; am I comfortable with the way I am delivering this? Am I delivering this in my ‘personal style’?
If you’re not presenting with personality, your audience will never get to know you or the point that you are trying to make.