Everything that you need to clearly, concisely and confidently deliver your next presentation.


This page is packed full of free resources designed to help you and your team achieve your goals when presenting. Download your favourites or sign-up to our regular newsletter to become a pitch perfect presenter.

Meet your public speaking expert...

Rich Watts is a public speaking consultant and trainer, a past winner of the UK Business Speaker of the Year, a JCI UK Public Speaking Champion and most importantly, he loves helping others to develop into outstanding public speakers.

He is the author of all of the great content and courses within this page.

Downloadable the complete Q&A guide

This 50 page guide to becoming a Question and Answer Superstar will ensure that you always have the answer...

Download it, read it and share it with others.

Are you after more public speaking advice? Find it all in my public speaking blog here.

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Downloadable Public Speaking Infographics

Below are a selection of infographics designed to inform, inspire and turbo-charge your next presentation.

Download them, love them and share them with your team!

Fancy more in-depth advice? Check out the support and insight in our public speaking blog here.

We design and deliver unique presentation skills training solutions

Every individual, team and organisation has a unique goal when it comes to their presentations and communications. We take the time to really understand the skills that your team need. We then use all of this insight and our public speaking geekery to design an original course, resources and learning solution to meet your needs.


Tailored sessions get results

Course content and delivery that is tailored to your organisation and learners' needs increases engagement and measured outcomes.

Delivery by a subject expert

Ensures that all course content is up-to-date, innovative and unique. An inspiring subject matter expert can also increase learner achievement.

Flexibility to fit your calendar

All of our training can be tailored to fit your calendar. From regular bite-size sessions to multi-day learning retreats and more.

Who we work with...

We work with a wide range of organisations and individuals across the UK. Our solutions cover everything from graduate schemes to senior leadership training.

What do we cover?

Each solution that we develop is tailored to the exact needs of your people and your organisation. In recent months, popular topics for sessions have included the below. We will consult with you to discover your exact needs before developing sessions for your unique graduate trainee scheme.


A foundation course in confidently writing and delivering concise and compelling presentations. Ideal for ensuring that all participants have a good standard of spoken communication.


Designed to help position your people as experts in front of their peers and clients. The focus is on more advanced skills, discovering how the greatest presenters deliver technical concepts, simply.


Preparing your people for their future speaking challenges: leading clients, leading their peers and potentially leading the organisation. These sessions focus on persuasion, motivation and inspiration.

Discover more about how we work with other organisations

Insensys is a global supplier of fibre optic measurement systems. The organisation is growing rapidly and clear, concise and confident communication will be key to its success.

The Insensys Learning and Development team were seeking a supplier that could craft and deliver an ongoing communication skills curriculum to drive a positive communications culture at all levels within the business.

    Contact us today