November 22, 2013How to open a speech or presentation successfully – 6 tips!If the opening line of your speech or presentation doesn’t grab the attention of your audience, you may as well walk out of the room there […]
November 19, 2013Advice for increasing your volume when making presentations!Sometimes we need to speak loudly to be heard. Perhaps it’s the murmurings of a fidgety crowd that we have to overcome, or simply just a […]
November 12, 2013Not listening to the voices inside your headThe voices inside our head often lie to us. They tell us we are fat when we’re thin, ugly when we’re beautiful or wrong when we […]
November 8, 20137 ways to make your point stick when presentingIt’s Friday, you’re the last speaker on a long day, the room is hot and stuffy and your audience can almost smell the freedom of the […]
October 29, 2013Do you deliver a speech or make a speech?Some of us prepare meticulously for every speech and presentation we give. We deliver our speech. Others just know their key points, and improvise around them. […]
October 22, 2013The Core Thought CheckWhen we’re sat alone in a room writing a speech or presentation, it’s sometimes tough to tell if we’re getting our point across. The quickest and […]
October 16, 2013Winning hearts and minds with a speechIf we’re speaking to persuade, we need to win the hearts AND minds of our audience. The wonderful thing about human beings is that we’re all […]
October 14, 2013The power of the smile when public speakingRead this line aloud, without smiling. “Today is a day you will never forget…” Sounds a bit like a threat from a gangster movie, right? Now […]
October 11, 2013Use the microphoneIf we’re offered a microphone to speak with it’s wise to use it. Generally if a microphone is present on stage, it has been setup by […]